Every Season Counseling

Counseling therapy near me in Michigan trauma


Counseling therapy near me in Michigan trauma


You, like many others, carry the weight of trauma on your shoulders.  It’s like an invisible burden that has left its mark on your soul.

In the quiet moments when you’re alone, memories from the past can flood your mind like a relentless storm. The trauma you’ve experienced has left scars that are not visible to the naked eye, but they run deep within you. You may find yourself haunted by flashbacks, reliving painful moments as if they were happening all over again.

Your sleep is often disrupted by nightmares, and it can be a struggle to find rest and peace. The world can feel like a hostile place at times, and your heightened sense of alertness keeps you on guard, always ready for danger, even when it’s not present.

Simple, everyday things can trigger a wave of emotions and anxiety. A sudden noise, a particular scent, or even a familiar location can transport you back to the moment when the trauma occurred. It’s as if you’re trapped in a never-ending loop of the past.


But despite all of this, you are resilient. You’ve been through unimaginable pain, yet you continue to push forward. Healing is a journey, and you’re determined to take steps to get there, no matter how long it may take.

Here in Michigan, where the seasons change and nature transforms itself, you find a reflection of your own journey. Just as the landscape evolves, so too does your healing process. 

EMDR can help you…

Contact me or visit the EMDR Institute for more specific information and history regarding EMDDR.

Find relief and healing.

Counseling can help, and I would be pleased to work together to help you overcome.

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Ready to get started?